7/3/2015 at Sunderland Software Centre
Thanks to everyone that attended. I hope you found it useful. Good look getting started with Scrum.
Link to the Booklet is below.
Booklet.pdf (919.1KB)

Just been asked how to force facebook to use a specific image when posting.
Facebook appears to select an image at random (I'm not sure what the algorithm is).
Quite often this isn't the best image to use or even completely wrong like Twitter Tweet now logo.
Firstly, you can check which image facebook will use for an given url at:
To force facebook to use a specific Image you need to reference it in the head section.
For example:
<link rel="image_src" href="http://www.markthompson.me.uk/Custom/Themes/Standard/images/markthompson_thumbnail.jpg">